Friday, June 17, 2011

Where Did The IMB in InfoPrint Go?

In the world of high production printing solutions the InfoPrint has been a leader since it conception.   While some mistakenly think the InfoPrint is still an IBM product, you might want to think again.  The product that was created by IBM is now being produced and sold and distributed by Ricoh, leaving many wondering, “Where did the IBM in InfoPrint go?”


It’s just the baddest printer on the block, that’s what it is.  While there are newer printing solutions available, the IBM InfoPrint 4100 continues to be a preferred solution for much of the industry today.  Upon its initial release on the world of printing, its 500K plus price tag was considered by many to be too much to handle.  While this used to be the case, at only a fraction of the cost a refurbished InfoPrint 4100 is a much more affordable printing solution than it used to be.  Its higher cost is often justified by many because of its industry-leading 600DPI and 330 pages printed per minute.  That means that you can have a copy of your favorite novel printed at the highest level of quality in just under a minute. 

Companies who love quality, speed and the flexibility of integrated pinned or pinless operation can print a wide variety of documents at any time from statements to whole books.  With too many features to know or understand the InfoPrint 4100 is a bargain when bought used from an approved factory refurbisher.   For more information on refurbished IBM InfoPrint products you can contact the Bradshaw Group @